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MIAMI (CBSMiami) — In the midst of an investigation into the Florida State University gunman, a former classmate said he along with seven others are expecting a letter posthumously from the shooter.
Police identified the gunman as FSU Alum Myron May.
“I clicked. I said, ‘Wait a minute. He sent a message to us all about a letter that he’s going to be sending to us or a package that he was going to be sending to all of us and to expect it Friday. And I immediately made the connection, like, this is connected,” said Paul, who went to FSU with May. He said the two reconnected while living in Houston.
Paul hopes the package he’s expecting may hold some answer to that as well as what lead May down such a horrific path. “Perhaps it’s an answer to the why, which is often what’s missing from situations like this. You wonder why you would do this. We know he suffered from mental illness. Perhaps that’s the reason why,” said Paul.
All that while investigators are taking a deeper look into his life.
READ MORE: FSU Gunman Identified, 3 Students Hurt
May was born Dayton, Ohio in 1983. The 31-year old moved to Florida as a teenager and went to Wehitchka High School. In 2005, he graduated from FSU. Then he went to Texas Tech Law School where he graduated in 2009.
He practiced law in Texas and New Mexico and moved back into the area three weeks ago.
Click here To Watch Oralia Ortega’s Report
Tallahassee Police described him as being in crisis. Police Chief Michael DeLeo said May left written and recorded material behind. In it, he said he believed the government was targeting him for persecution.
“Mr. May had a written journal and videos of fears of being targeted and he wanted to bring attention to his issue of targeting. A preliminary review of these documents and videos demonstrate that Mr. May was in a state of crisis,” said DeLeo.
In New Mexico, May’s neighbors describe him as strange, paranoid and said he even threw a rock through another neighbor’s window.
“I heard he got evicted, that’s what they told me at the front because of what happened and they thought it was him and all of the incidents,” said neighbor David Baca.
His former coworkers at the Dona Ana County District Attorney’s Office, where May was a public defender and prosecutor, were surprised when he unexpectedly resigned last month. “He had never before talked to me or any of my colleagues about wanting to leave the DA’s office,” said Dona Ana County District Attorney Mark D’Antonio.
May’s Facebook page shows he posted mostly Bible verses and links to conspiracy theories about the government reading people’s minds.
May’s final post on Facebook was the biblical verse saying, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
The week before the shooting he posted, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. ~ Matthew 10:28”
On August 2nd, he talked about recently losing loved ones saying, “Uncle Cornelius, Aunt Gracie, Aunt Stella, and now Aunt Ada….my goodness Father. When it rains, it pours. Please slow down taking away my loved ones.”
His facebook page also says he was In-house Legal Counsel at Taunton Family Children’s Home.”
The Taunton family said he was going through a hard time but they are shocked about what happened.
“He refuses to surrender. As a result of this encounter, Mr. May is shot and killed by the officers,” said DeLeo.
WebExtra: FSU Shooting Police News Conference
CBS4’s Cynthia Demos spoke with May’s ex-girlfriend Danielle Nixon who confirmed he was in a state of crisis, as police said.
According to a Las Cruces, New Mexico, police report last month, May was a subject of a harassment complaint after a former girlfriend called to report he came to her home uninvited and claimed police were bugging his house and car.
Nixon told police May recently developed “a severe mental disorder.”
“Myron began to ramble and handed her a piece to a car and asked her to keep it because this was a camera that police had put in his vehicle,” the report said. The report also said May recently quit his job and was on medication.
Police officers said they were investigating his cellphone and his car.
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